When people have success in their lives naturally everyone else wants to know how they have created it. Here are a few tips for positive thinking to help you create your very own success. Decide what you do want, talk about it and write it down and be specific. Once you have realised this, then here are the tips for positive thinking which you will need to apply.
As soon as you wake up in the morning, take about 5 minutes to focus your mind on your desires, goals and intentions. Start by sitting in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and visualise your desires and goals as if they are already being fulfilled. Spend 30 seconds to a minute on each of your core desires and goals. You can also take a few moments to visualise your day going exactly as you would like it to.
Keep yourself focused on what you want to manifest by surrounding yourself with visual images of the things and experiences you want to create in your life. There are many tools you can use for this including creating a vision board. Cut out pictures of the things you wish to own and pictures that represent the experiences you want to have to remind yourself of how you want it to be, and put them somewhere you will see every day or on your vision board.
Start paying attention to the many times during the day that you have emotional responses that are not in alignment with having or producing your desires. Pay special attention to when you feel disappointment, resentment, frustration or anger about your experiences and circumstances. Remember that you must become a vibrational match for the things you want to attract into your life.
It is very critical to take time each and every day to focus on what you are grateful for. Some people do this in the morning before or after they visualise their desires. Focus on all the things in life that you are grateful for- health, children, job, weather, water, flowers etc. whatever your situation there are always things to be grateful for.
You must also take action, obvious action would be if you want a better car, going to test drive all of the models you’re interested in. If you want to be a doctor, apply to medical school. There are also inspired actions, once you begin to do the things described above, the universe starts responding by sending people, resources and opportunities you need to manifest your desired result.
Once you have seen that something is changing for the better, acknowledge it. Appreciate it. When you find the perfect parking space, acknowledge it, thank it. When you receive unexpected income acknowledge it. When someone comes to your life that can help you achieve your goal, acknowledge it, thank the universe.
All of this is so powerful and these tips for positive thinking will greatly help you achieve success.